Reli­gion in a Chang­ing Cuba: Five Years After the Pope’s Visit

March 31, 2003 - 1:00 PM

The Church of the Future and the Church of the Past: Reli­gion in a Chang­ing Cuba
Dr. Mar­garet E. Cra­han
Dorothy Epstein Pro­fes­sor, Hunter Col­lege and The Grad­u­ate Cen­ter
Edi­tor and co-author of Human Rights and Basic Needs in the Amer­i­cas, Africa and the Caribbean: Lega­cies of a Link, and The City and the World: New York’s Global Future.

Reli­gion as Sur­ro­gate for Ide­ol­ogy: The Papal Visit to Cuba In Ret­ro­spect 
Dr. Anto­nio Stevens Arroyo
Pro­fes­sor, Brook­lyn Col­lege and Direc­tor, Research Office for Reli­gion In Soci­ety & Cul­ture
Edi­tor of Papal Over­tures in a Cuban Key: The Pope’s Visit & Civic Space for Cuban Religion

Cuban Catholics in the United States and their Native Church
Dr. Yolanda Pri­eto, Ramapo Col­lege
Yolanda Pri­eto has writ­ten about the Cuban migra­tion to the United States, the role of women in the migra­tion, reli­gion in US Latino com­mu­ni­ties, and rela­tions between Cuban Catholics on the island and those abroad.

The Cuban Jew­ish Com­mu­nity: Sur­vival and Renewal
Arturo Lopez-Levy, Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity
Arturo Lopez-Levy earned an M.A. in Eco­nom­ics at Car­leton Uni­ver­sity (Canada). He is cur­rently study­ing at the School of Inter­na­tional and Pub­lic Affairs at Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity. Between 1999 and 2001 he was the Sec­re­tary of Bnai Brith lodge in the Cuban Jew­ish Community.

Reli­gion and Iden­tity: San­te­ria
Dr. Marta Moreno Vega, Hunter Col­lege
Marta Moreno Vega earned her doc­tor­ate from Tem­ple Uni­ver­sity. She is cur­rently an adjunct Pro­fes­sor at Hunter Col­lege and President/Founder of the Caribbean Cul­tural Cen­ter African Dias­pora Insti­tiute. Author of The Altar of My Soul: The Liv­ing Tra­di­tions of San­tería. Direc­tor of the new doc­u­men­tary When the Saints Dance Mambo.