Two Talks on US-Cuba Relations

November 28, 2001 - 7:00 PM


What if They Lift the Embargo? A Cuban Debate on US-Cuba Relations

Rafael Hernán­dez
Edi­tor, Revista Temas and Vis­it­ing Researcher Uni­ver­sity of Puerto Rico

Rafael Hernán­dez is a Senior Research Fel­low at the Cen­tro de Inves­ti­gación y Desar­rollo de la Cul­tura Cubana “Juan Marinello”, in Havana, and Edi­tor of TEMAS, a Cuban quar­terly in the field of social sci­ences and the human­i­ties. Dr Hernán­dez was direc­tor of North Amer­i­can stud­ies at the Cen­tro de Estu­dios sobre América for 18
years. He has been vis­it­ing pro­fes­sor and research fel­low at Colum­bia, Har­vard, the Woodrow Wil­son Cen­ter, Johns Hop­kins, the Cen­tro de Inves­ti­gación y Docen­cia Económi­cas (CIDE) and the Insti­tuto Tec­no­logico Autonomo de Mex­ico (ITAM). He has pub­lished sev­eral books and essays on Cuban and U.S. poli­cies, inter-American rela­tions, inter­na­tional secu­rity , migra­tion and Cuban cul­ture, soci­ety and pol­i­tics. His most recent arti­cle focused on US-Cuban rela­tions, “Los árboles y el bosque. Políti­cas cubanas posElián”, was pub­lished by “For­eign Affairs en Español” (Fall, 2001).

When: Wednes­day, Novem­ber 28, 7 PM
Where: Sky­light Con­fer­ence Room (Room 9100)


The Helms-Burton Law: A Five-year Balance

Joaquin Roy
Uni­ver­sity of Miami