Session 1: Economic Dynamics in Today’s Cuba
Foreign Direct Investment and the Update of the Cuban Economic Model
Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva, University of Havana, CEEC
Economic Planning in Cuba: Ties and Prospects
Oscar Fernandez Estrada, University of Havana
Towards a New Industrial Policy in Cuba
Ricardo Torres, University of Havana, CEEC
From Planning to Market: A Framework for Cuba
Mauricio Font, Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies
Session 2: Institutional Reforms
Knowledge and Development: Science, Technology and Higher Education in Cuba
Juan Triana Cordoví, University of Havana, CEEC
The Current Transformation in Cuba from a Territorial Perspective
Patricia Ramos, University of Havana
Cuban Company Links
Ileana Díaz , University of Havana, CEEC
Non-State Enterprises in Cuba: Innovative or Rent Seeking?
Saira Pons, University of Havana, CEEC
Session 3: Cuba and the World: The External Sector
Change and Continuity in Cuban Diplomacy after 2008
Carlos Alzugaray, Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (UNEAC); Revista Temas
Cuba: External Sector and International Economic Re-Insertion
Antonio Romero, University of Havana, (CIEI)
Exchange Rate Unification: The Case of Cuba from an International Perspective
Augusto de la Torre, The World Bank
Currency Reform and Pricing and Salary Policy
Pavel Vidal Alejandro, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia
Session 4: Agricultural Transformation
Cuba’s Tobacco Agro-Industry and Global Value Chains
Lázaro Peña, University of Havana, CIEI
The Cooperative Movement in the Cuban Economy
Armando Nova, University of Havana, CEEC
New Forms of Agricultural Commercialization in Cuba
Mario González-Corzo, Lehman College, CUNY