New Sce­nar­ios for US-Cuba Rela­tions: A Conference

April 29, 2004 - 12:00 AM

Orga­nized by Mar­garet E. Cra­han (Dorothy Epstein Pro­fes­sor, Hunter Col­lege and The Grad­u­ate Cen­ter) and Mauri­cio Font (Direc­tor, Bild­ner Cen­ter for West­ern Hemi­sphere Stud­ies, and Prof. Queens Col­lege and The Grad­u­ate Cen­ter) this series includes five sem­i­nars and a con­fer­ence through­out the 2003–2004 aca­d­e­mic year.


Spring 2004

2/13/04 New Sce­nar­ios for US-Cuba Eco­nomic Rela­tions: What are the Real Pos­si­bil­i­ties?
4:30–6:30 –Room 9206

  • Rev­erend Raimundo Gar­cia Franco
    Chris­t­ian Cen­ter of Reflec­tion and Dialogue
  • Ted Henken
    Baruch College
  • Kirby Jones
    Ala­mar Associates

3/12/04 New Sce­nar­ios for US-Cuba Rela­tions
4:30–6:30 –Room 9206

  • Daniel Erik­son
    Inter-American Dialogue

3/24/04 The Other Cuban Tran­si­tion: Wait­ing for Changes in the Polit­i­cal Ethos of Cuban Miami
5:00–7:00 –Room C204

  • Lisan­dro Pérez
    Florida Inter­na­tional University

4/29/04–4/30/04 New Sce­nar­ios for US-Cuba Rela­tions: A Con­fer­ence
Fall 2003

10/24/03 New Sce­nar­ios for US-Cuba Rela­tions: A US Per­spec­tive
4:30–6:30 –Room 9206

  • Kevin Whitaker
    Office of Cuban Affairs, US Depart­ment of State

11/7/03 New Sce­nar­ios for US-Cuba Rela­tions: His­tor­i­cal Per­spec­tives
4:30–6:30 –Room C204

  • Philip Bren­ner
    School of Inter­na­tional Stud­ies, Amer­i­can University
  • Philip Peters
    Vice Pres­i­dent, Lex­ing­ton Institute

This sched­ule is sub­ject to change.