International Seminar on the Cuban Economy

March 25, 2013 - 9:00 AM

Monday, March 25, 2013. Santiago, Chile. The international seminar on the Cuban economy took place in Santiago, Chile from March 25 through March 28. This meeting represented a collaborative effort between the Bildner Center/Cuba Project, CEEC (Centro de Estudios de la Economía Cubana de la Universidad de La Habana), and Flacso-Chile. It deepened the initiative launched at the Cuba Futures: Past & Present conference held by the Cuba Project/Bildner Center in 2011. The five academic economists included four faculty members of CEEC –Iliana Díaz Fernández,Alejandro LouroArmando Nova and Saira Pons Pérez –as well as Reynaldo Jiménez Guethón, Director of FLACSO-Cuba. This Cuban delegation spent a week in Santiago presenting their views and exchanging ideas with their Chilean colleagues, international representatives at ECLAC/CEPAL, United Nations Development Program, International Labor Office, and students at the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Diego Portales. Mauricio Font (Director of the Bildner Center/Cuba Project) and Angel Flisflisch (Director of FLACSO-Chile) hosted this gathering with the economic specialists from Cuba. This event was also supported by Global Americas, Chile.

Program of Activities

Monday, March 25 — Seminar at Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)

Tuesday, March 26 — Meeting with International Labour Organization (ILO) officials

Tuesday, March 26 — Visit the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Library

Tuesday, March 26 — Meeting with Alicia Bárcena, Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) Executive Secretary

Wednesday, March 27 — Colloquium at the Escuela de Economía, Universidad de Chile

Thursday, March 28 — Colloquium at the Centro de Políticas Públicas, Universidad Diego Portales



Read Bildner Center Press Release:
International Seminar on the Cuban Economy (Spanish)

El Mercurio. Santiago, Chile

Reformas económicas: Cuba diversifica comercio exterior debido a situación en Venezuela.

Martí —
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