May 31, 2016 - 9:00 AM
The one-day colloquium organized by the Bildner Center explores the extent and character of the Cuba’s reform process since 2011. On May 31 specialists will focus on the external context, responses to US policy change, the state and non-state sectors, agriculture, local development, and other. The discussions will emphasize current trends, options, and prospects.
8:45 AM – 9:00 AM
9:00 AM – 9:10 AM
Opening: Welcoming remarks, Mauricio Font
9:10 AM – 11:00 AM
Panel 1: Overview of Economic Changes
- “La inversión extranjera en el futuro económico de Cuba” Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva, Revista Temas
- “Prospects for Cuban Agriculture After the 7th Party Congress” Mario González-Corzo, Lehman College, CUNY
- “Los problemas de la reforma monetaria y cambiara de Cuba a la luz de su reinserción económica internacional” Mauricio de Miranda, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia
Moderator: TBA
11:00 – 11:10 AM Coffee Break
11:10 AM – 1:00 PM
Panel 2: Reforms and Subnational Dynamics
- “An Approximation to Subnational Development: Measurement and Policy Issues” Mauricio Font, Queens College and The Graduate Center, CUNY
- “Retos y oportunidades para los territorios cubanos en el contexto de la Actualización: la entrada del destino Cuba en el mercado virtual Airbnb para el anuncio de alojamientos privados” Patricia Ramos, Universidad de la Habana
- “Cinco años de transformaciones en el funcionamiento de la economía cubana, viejos y nuevos retos” Oscar Fernández, Universidad de la Habana
Moderator: TBA
Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva (Doctor en Economía, Universidad de la Habana) has been a professor of Economics at the University of Havana for 32 years. Dr. Everleny has taught and lectured at various universities in Cuba, the U.S., Japan, France, Spain, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Mexico, China, and other countries. He has published more than 70 works on the Cuban and international economies. He is co-author of Cuban Economy at the Start of the Twenty-First Century, Reflexiones sobre la economía cubana, Miradas a la economía cubana, volumes I and II, Cincuenta años de la economía cubana, and Cuban Economic and Social Development: Policy Reforms and Challenges in the 21st Century.
Mario González-Corzo (Ph.D., Rutgers University) is associate professor at the Department of Economics at Lehman College, CUNY, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in economics and finance. He is also an adjunct professor at Columbia University. His research and areas of specialization include Cuba’s post-Soviet economic transformations, the role of remittances in the Cuban economy, and Cuba’s banking and agricultural sectors. Dr. González-Corzo is a contributing editor for the section on Cuban political economy and economics of the Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS) published by the Library of Congress. He is also a research associate at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies at the University of Miami (FL).
Mauricio de Miranda (Ph.D., Complutense University of Madrid) is professor and director of Center for Asia and Pacific Studies at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia. His research areas include: comparative analysis of policy development and economic systems, development models, and international political economy. He has edited and coauthored several books about Cuba and Latin America, and authored several articles on the Cuban economy.
Patricia Ramos (Maestría en Economía, Universidad de la Habana) is professor at the Economics Department at the University of Havana. She lectures on territorial planning at the Public Administration School for Public Employees (Diplomado de Administración Pública para Funcionarios del Estado y el Gobierno de Cuba). Her research focuses on territorial planning, methods for regional analysis, economic geography, regional budget, regional economic policies, regional input-output models, and other related topics.
Oscar Fernández (Doctor en Economía, Universidad de la Habana) is professor of economics at the University of Havana. He is head of the National Economy Planning Department at the University of Havana. His research includes the functioning characteristics of the Cuban economy, national economic planning, and comparative socio-economic systems. Dr. Fernández received the University of Havana Research prize in 2011 for his work on the Cuban economic model. He is member of the Scientific Council of the Economics faculty; member of the Permanent PhD tribunal of Applied Economy at the University of Havana and Secretary of the Executive Board of the Cuban Scientific Society for Planning (National Economists and Accountings Association) of Cuba. He has also been Delegate to the Provincial Assembly of Popular Power in Havana and the provincial parliament for 10 years.
Mauricio Font (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is director of the Bildner Center for Western Hemisphere Studies and professor of sociology at The Graduate Center and Queens College, CUNY. His most recent publication is The State and the Private Sector in Latin America (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). Font is co-editor of Handbook on Cuban History, literature, and the Arts (Paradigm Press, 2014), Cuban Counterpoints: The Legacy of Fernando Ortiz (Lexington Books, 2005), La República Cubana y José Martí (1902-2002) (Lexington Books, 2005), Toward a New Cuba? (Lynne Rienner, 1997) and Integración económica y democratización: América Latina y Cuba (Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile, 1998).
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