The film adaptation of “Four Seasons in Havana”/“Cuatro Estaciones en la Habana” by Leonardo Padura, Cuba’s best known writer today, is now available in NETFLIX. These very successful police novels and films centered on detective Mario Conde (interpreted by Jorge Perugorría) show the texture of daily life in Havana (sensuality, music, food, body language, camaraderie …) while documenting the contradictions of Cuban society. Having read the novels and just finished watching the films, we heartily recommend them.
Leonardo Padura, essayist, novelist and screenwriter is the recipient of a number of awards, including Cuba’s 2012 National Prize for Literature, France’s 2013 L’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, Spain’s 2015 Princess of Asturias Award for Literature among others.
Mr. Padura has been a guest of The Cuba Project at The Bildner Center in the past, the last one being a conversation in Spanish with CUNY professors Jerry Carlson and Jaime Manrique in February 2014.
Watch A Conversation with Leonardo Padura at the Bildner Center.